What is it?Ultra-creamy saturated lip color that delivers beautiful, lightweight matte color without any dryness, caking or fading. Beautifully rich matte color glides effortlessly across lips. Suede-like, cushiony feel and with maximum color impact. Beautifully rich shades from nude to deepest berry.
www.revlon.comActive Ingredients:Not available
Packaging:Black plastic tube with transparent circle on the top of it's cap, allowing you to see the color without opening the package. 4,2 g

* rubbed + washed with water and soap

- Color:
- Pink Pout: Mauve pink. Best for cold skintone
- Pink About It: Coral Pink. Wearable for both cold and warm skintones
- Texture: Matte
- Scent: Unscented ( which is very exceptional for a Revlon's product)
My review:Did you know that Revlon won 9 awards for 2010 Beauty Awards in Australia? *gives applause*
Getting to the point, I generally like the product. But still not enough to make me fall inlove with it.
It has a range of vibrant vivid colors selection. Very pigmented. It also has great staying power. As you can see from the picture, I rubbed it using tissue and then washed my hand twice using hand soap and it stays. The one on my lips stays on during eating and drinking for around 4 hours.
My major drawbacks about the product: it cause dryness and it requires professional tricks to get smooth lustrous result as seen on it's commercial. On my first attempt to applied it decently, I wear nothing under the lipstick and it went clumpy all over my lips. I put another layer to get it distributed evenly, but it just got thicker and looked unnatural. Plus it dries my lips so bad after I took it off from my lips. Then I tried to use some lip balm under the lipstick, brushed it evenly all over my lips using fine lip brush and it went better ( take a note, just better. Not perfect). But still, it got clumpy a little bit. It can be frustrating if you don't have much time to put make-up on or re-touching.
The first shade that I bought is Pink Pout. I thought it would looked like nude pale pink on my lips. Oh, it does look pale. So pale that I looked like a dead person. Adding the fact that the product creates no gloss or shine, it really looked dull on my lips. I really... really... hate the color. Pink About It looked better on me, though the shade is still too much vibrant to my like. I got an eye on Strawberry Suede shade, but I'm just afraid if I would hate the color just like the two I've owned.
Another tips, scrub and moisturize your lips well before using this product. The intense characteristic could magnify fine lines, dead skin cells, etc.
Price:55.000 IDR
Overall Rating:3 out of 5
Will I re-purchase:Um... I don't know...
Label: Lipstick, Revlon
i think u rly love pink
And yes, I've been denying it for so long but ah...
I do love pink!! =D